
What are Nootropics? All About Herbs and Activities for Long-Term Brain Health

Published on April 17, 2019

Everyone hopes to age gracefully — not just living long, but living well. This is particularly true when it comes to brain health. Maintaining cognitive faculties consistently ranks near the top of people’s long-term health wish lists.

How our brain ages is not completely under our control. However, considering that research has shown declining memory function can sometimes start as early as age 30, it’s not surprising that what we do in our younger and mid-life years can impact the kind of old age we’ll enjoy.

Enter nootropic herbs. Nootropic herbs are plants that support mental performance, such as cognition and memory.* Combine them with a healthy, active lifestyle and you may help strengthen and nurture your mind not just in the present moment, but also for the long haul.*

What to Take: Nootropic Herbs

Gaia Herbs has developed a new line of vegan nootropic supplements to help your brain stay healthy and active, using traditional herbs that nourish the mind.*

Gaia Herbs Agile Mind surrounded by herbs

  • Bacopa is a full-spectrum single-herb extract designed to support brain health during all stages of life.* Suitable for everyone from college students to retired folks, Bacopa is a treasured herb from the Ayurvedic tradition that supports overall cognitive health.* Gaia Herbs is proud to grow and cultivate some of the finest-quality Bacopa monnieri in the world, in our own Greenhouse in North Carolina, becoming one of the only U.S. sources for this Ayurvedic herb.
  • Nootropic Focus™ is a targeted formula made with a revitalizing blend of SaffronLemon Balm, and Spearmint that is formulated to help you keep up with the competing demands of a fast-paced life.* It’s a good choice for busy parents balancing work and home duties or active professionals who need to sharpen their concentration.*
  • Agile Mind™ is a synergistic formula made with TurmericBacopaGinkgoGotu Kola, and Schisandra — herbs that support healthy brain function and help maintain healthy recall.* It is ideal for busy working professionals or anyone juggling multiple tasks to help keep your brain fit.*

What to Do: Body, Mind, and Spirit

Taking good care of your body is an important part of taking good care of your mind. As much as we like to think of them as separate, the body and brain are intimately connected. Therefore, eating wellgetting plenty of sleep, and exercising regularly will benefit your mental state as much as your physical form.

Another way to keep your mind agile is to challenge it regularly. Your brain is like a muscle; it needs exercise to stay fit. Playing memory games, doing a daily crossword or Sudoku puzzle, learning a new language, taking a class at your local community college, or picking up an instrument you’ve always wanted to learn to play are all ways to actively work your brain.

Staying socially connected is also important for brain health. We are social creatures, after all. Perhaps not surprisingly, elders who feel loved and cared for are more likely to enjoy good brain health. Social connections can come from family or friends, but you can also expand your social circle by volunteering or taking part in group activities.

Better Habits, Better Brain Health

Take your herbs.* Treat your body well. Exercise your mind. Stay connected. The secret to long-term brain health may really be that simple.